Sunday, October 14, 2012

Jonathan A. Lindsey, Esq.

I remember over 5 years ago when Jonathan told me he wanted to go back to school and be a lawyer.  He had only been teaching a few months and it WAS NOT for him.  I loved teaching but he did not.  I could see how his eyes lit up when he talked about the possibility of being a lawyer.  I told him I would support him 100%. 

I knew it would be a hard journey but one we had to be on.  It was his dream.  So fast forward... he took the LSAT and we moved forward.  He started law school August of 2009.  He was so excited about his classes and inspired by his professors.  Then after his first semester we found out he made really good grades and was ranked #1 in his class.  He continued to do great with getting internships with judges, being hired by 2 law firms for summer jobs, working as Managing Editor on Law Review, and receiving multiple academic awards. 

He completely soared and it was so clear to me he was doing what he was meant to do.  How many of us can truly say that?  Not many!  It is something I want to teach Garrison as well.  Both Jon and I changed career paths and went back to school.  I started out in the business field and he in education.  It's not always an easy journey but one we had to take.  I am so proud of you, Jonathan.  I love you so much.  You are an inspiration to your family.

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