Saturday, August 3, 2013

Past 2 Weeks

It has been kind of a crazy past two weeks.  I have been in/out of the doctor office and the hospital several times.  Basically, Sullivan is doing great.  He is measuring BIG (but not too big).  I am on my second round of antibiotics for a bladder infection.  That is what my doctor seems to think might be causing my contractions.  Although, she said I might just have contractions until I have Sullivan.:(  I am going to weekly dr. visits now so they can check me.  As long as nothing is physically changing with me (cervix, etc.) they would rather not do medicine.  So I am just praying that I can carry him to full-term.  I would love if the contractions would stop or go away so, praying the antibiotics work.  I know all that matters is we have a healthy baby.  This has definitely been a faith walk because I am a controller and I worry about things.  I think God is constantly teaching me to have peace and faith since that is my struggle.  We can't wait to meet him, but we want him to have lots of baby fat. :)

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