Thursday, July 28, 2011

Get OFF the Internet!

I think the Internet can be a great thing but, it can also be a TERRIBLE thing.  In particular, the message boards.  I can remember after having several miscarriages going on message boards.  I did find some helpful information but, I also found discouraging information. 

I am the queen of the symptom checker on the Internet.  Of course, I find the one person who has my symptom with the worst result.  Why do I do that?  Is it a lack of faith in God?  Is it a control thing?  Why do I sometimes seem to assume the worst?  It's something I have always struggled with.  So - I am making the decision right now to not look to the Internet as a symptom checker.  It definitely does MORE harm than good for me.  God is in control and I am not - why can't I really practice this.  Praying and hoping I can change my ways!

"When you worry about the future, you heap day upon day of troubles onto your flimsy frame" - Jesus Calling

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your honesty! I also love reading your blog. Hope to see you soon!