Monday, December 19, 2011

Big Belly

We had a great 4-D ultrasound and appointment (answered prayer).  We are now going every other week.  We start weekly appointments at 35 weeks.  I can't believe how big I am getting.  It seems like everywhere I go I get the "you look like your going to pop" or "are you going to make it until February" comments.  I agree it does seem like I have ballooned up the last week or so...  Jon has been very sweet and makes me feel pretty.  It couldn't have something to do with all the Christmas parties I've been to and all the good food I have been eating? :)  Thanks for all of your continued prayers for Garrison and mommy. 

Up Next:
32 Week Appointment Dec. 22

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Bring on the Sweets

So thankful that I passed my glucose test!  I was worried because of my recent sweet tooth, but I passed.  I am very glad.  I was able to celebrate by eating whatever I wanted on Thanksgiving.  Also, I am very thankful as I enter my 3rd trimester.  I can't believe the journey we have been on - amazing to look back on it.

It seems like just yesterday we were going to Dr. Kutteh for that very first ultrasound.  I was SO nervous.  I remember seeing that little heartbeat and just answered prayers poured upon us .  I also remember Dr. Kutteh's nurse telling me that some of my nervousness would go away but that I would have anxiey or be nervous my whole pregnancy.  I remember her saying this and me thinking I won't be.  Boy was I wrong!  I know God has helped me through a lot of it however, worry and anxiety has definitely crept in at times.  I just pray through it and trust in God.  He is in control of everything and I have no control over any of it.  I know worry will not "help" anything.  I just want to enjoy my pregnancy and trust in God.

Up next:
We are starting bi-weekly appointments!
December 8 - 4D ultrasound - Our moms are coming with us :)

*Please continue to pray that Garrison York (little Jonny) is healthy, strong, and measuring on track.  Please also pray that I stay healthy and continue to support this pregnancy.  Also, that I have peace of mind and trust in God.*

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Baby Lindsey has a Name

After much discussion... Jon and I decided on a name for our precious son.  His name is Garrison York.  Garrison is a name we both love plus it's after my dad who's name is Gary.  He will go by Garrison.  York is also a name that we love - plus I (heart) NYC and Jon is a huge Yankee's fan.  We wanted a name that had meaning and was special to us.  There are so many names out there it was a tough decision but, we are very happy with our little boy's name.

We had our 24 week ultrasound last week and praise God everything looked great.  All his measurments were wonderful.  The ultrasound tech was happy with everything.  However, once she told us she was going to take some fun pictures for us he literally put his head in the placenta.  So - he didn't pose for the camera.  We are going to pay to get the 4D ultrasound done - we love seeing our little boy. 

Our registry is finally complete.  Jon and I made a lot of trips to Target and Babies R Us.  We had to read every review and ask opinions of friends on lots of items.  My first shower is coming up in a few weeks - I can't believe it!  Time is going fast. :)


November 21 - Glucose Screening - hoping all those sweets I've been craving don't get the best of me.  Please pray we (Garrison and Mommy) have a great check-up!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

It's a BOY!

We found out we are having a little boy!  Our ultrasound was at 18 weeks and 2 days which is the earliest we could have it.  He was 9 oz. in weight.  I can't believe it and it makes everything seem so real.  Everything looked great - which is such an answered prayer.  Of course, I had a boy feeling all along.  It was still a huge shock and so amazing.  We are working on a name and we started registering.  I can't believe we are doing all this stuff.  It is such a blessing!  Of course, the worry still comes but trusting in God through it all.  Our sweet little boy was turned facing my back so we didn't get a great look at his face.  This means we get another ultrasound at 24 weeks.  Praying everything continues to look great.

Up next:
22 Week Checkup - October 14th

24 Week Ultrasound - October 28th :)

*Thanks for your continued prayers for our sweet little baby.  Please pray for him to keep growing healthy, strong and to measure on track.*

21 Weeks Pregnant

Monday, September 12, 2011

NYC 10 years Ago

I can't believe it's been ten years since I moved to New York City.  Wow - I was so wide eyed and bushy tailed... it was September 1, 2001.  I moved with a friend from college and ended up living there for a couple of years, had 2 apartments, and basically grew up. One of those growing up moments was definitely September 11th, 2001.  I remember like it was yesterday.... It was a beautiful day...My roommate and I were in our little apartment sitting at the table eating breakfast.  Her mom called her cell phone and made sure we were alright.  She said there had been a bomb or something in NYC - downtown.  I didn't have a cell phone yet so I immediately called my mom.  While I was on the phone with my mom I remember her saying, "The pentagon was just hit."  She explained more what was going on.  Amanda and I didn't have cable yet so we had to walk to get rabbit ears for our TV.  I remember everything being so quiet outside except for the sirens.  It was one after the other - people would just stop in the street and stare.  I had friends in NYC that saw the towers fall and saw the people covered in ash walking from downtown - I'm thankful I didn't see it.  I kept telling family and friends from out of town that I was on the upper east side and that was way downtown.  My poor parents - I can't imagine how worried they were.  I can't describe how scary it was but also a defining moment for me.  I will NEVER forget that day and I will always have a special place in my heart for NYC.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Enjoy the Moment

I still can't believe we are 16 weeks.  Thanks so much for all the prayers and support we have received.  A friend told me the other day that she hopes that I will be able to enjoy my pregnancy.  It's true I have given everything to God and he is in control.  It's hard not to worry about things.  I know God wants me to enjoy every moment and worry doesn't help anything.  It does feel like we're always looking forward to this or that.  I really want to try and enjoy this moment that we are in right now. 

Please just continue to pray that the baby is healthy and strong.  Please pray that my body keeps supporting this pregnancy and doing everything it needs to do.  We have our BIG ultrasound on September 16th.  I can't believe it!  We just want the baby to be healhty and to be measuring on track.  Of course, it will be SO exciting to find out if the baby is a boy or girl.  I would love to hear your thoughts of what y'all think the baby will be...  :) 

*Recent picture of me at 16 weeks *

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Power of Prayer and Updates

I have officially reached the 2nd trimester - 14 weeks.  I am so thankful for all the support and prayers from everyone.  They mean the world to us.  We had an appointment last week and everything looked good.  We got to have an ultrasound and it was amazing how much the baby had grown.  I am still struggling with anxiety - poor Jon.  He's having to hear about most of it.  However, just trying to give everything to God and know that he is in control.  I have to remember to put my faith in him.

This is my third week back at work and it has been STRESSFUL. I have tried so hard to be calm and not get upset - it has been hard. Long story short - I moved to a different grade and room in a matter of days. I have so much to be thankful for and I don't want to get upset.

Please just keep baby and me in your prayers. Please pray that baby continues to grow healthy and strong. Please pray baby keeps measuring on track with everything (heart rate, size). I can't tell you how much your prayers have meant to us.  I totally believe in the power of prayer!
Up next:  15 week appointment on August 26.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Thanks for the Love, Support, and Prayers

After almost 3 years and several miscarriages Jonathan and I are very excited to be expecting a baby in February.  Please, please, please keep our precious baby in your prayers.  Please pray for a healthy baby and pregnancy.  Thanks for all your love and support.

It's still very surreal for me.    I honestly wanted to wait a while longer before telling the world but Jonathan put his foot down.  I think if it was up to me I would wait till the baby was born to let people know.  However, God is continually teaching me through this process to trust in him and to have faith in him.  Plus, every time someone tells me they are praying for us I'm glad I shared with them.  I want to thank my friends, family, and my support girls.  You have no idea how much you have helped me through this process. 

Up next: Our 13 - week checkup on August 12th. Please continue to keep the baby in your prayers.  Please pray that baby continues to grow healthy and strong.  Please also pray that my body does what it is suppose to do through this pregnancy. I have stopped my HCG injections and will stop progesterone soon. Please pray that my body does great as I stop the extra HCG and progesterone and I don't have any bad side effects.   I have definitely struggled with anxiety through this process. Just pray for me to have a healthy pregnancy and to have complete faith in God. 
**My hope is that my story will have an effect on someone in a positive way. If you questions about my history please contact me. I would love to share. Also, if your someone who is struggling with infertility in any way just know there are MANY women out there. I am a part of an awesome group and would love to share that information with you too.**

Pregnancy so Far:
June 13 - HCG levels were 1003
June - 15 HCG levels were 2002
** They were very high and doubled.** 

June 29 - 6 week and 2 day ultrasound - We prayed for baby to have a heartbeat over 100bpm (which we've never had).  Baby soared and measured at 6 weeks and 6 days with a heartbeat of 134.  Since my blood work numbers were so high the tech looked to make sure we weren't having twins!  She saw one healthy baby. :)

July 6 - 2nd ultrasound.  Baby measured 8 weeks with a heartbeat of 170.  We passed a milestone - we had not made it this far in a pregnancy before.

July 13 - 3rd ultrasound.  Baby measured 9 weeks with a heart rate of 178.  We saw movement!  Dr. released me back to my regular doctor. 

July 18 - First OB appointment - we heard the heartbeat for the first time.  Amazing!  Almost 10 weeks.

July 25 - 4th ultrasound.  Baby was moving so much!  Heart rate of 165.  Anywhere between 110 - 180 is normal.  Baby measuring a few days ahead - 11 weeks 1 day.

July 29 - Mom went with me to hear the heart rate of the baby.  Sounded great!

August 5 - Heard healthy and strong heartbeat.  We passed the 12 weeks point!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Get OFF the Internet!

I think the Internet can be a great thing but, it can also be a TERRIBLE thing.  In particular, the message boards.  I can remember after having several miscarriages going on message boards.  I did find some helpful information but, I also found discouraging information. 

I am the queen of the symptom checker on the Internet.  Of course, I find the one person who has my symptom with the worst result.  Why do I do that?  Is it a lack of faith in God?  Is it a control thing?  Why do I sometimes seem to assume the worst?  It's something I have always struggled with.  So - I am making the decision right now to not look to the Internet as a symptom checker.  It definitely does MORE harm than good for me.  God is in control and I am not - why can't I really practice this.  Praying and hoping I can change my ways!

"When you worry about the future, you heap day upon day of troubles onto your flimsy frame" - Jesus Calling

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Answered Prayers

I know God answers prayers and I know he listens to every prayer we pray.  I am still amazed when I see it happen.  We've been praying for several weeks about something and God keeps amazing us.  There were a couple of small things though that I had been worried about - today both things were resolved.  Prayer is amazing!  Sometimes God says no, wait, not now, later, etc.  It's hard - I have been there.  It's really cool when the answer is YES right away and it's so easy to see.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

God Speaking to Me

The last couple of days I have been anxious.  I woke up this morning especially worried.  Even though, over the last few weeks what I have been worried about has been fine it still sneaks up on me.  I read "Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young as part of a daily devotional.  This morning it was like God was speaking to me - see below.

STOP WORRYING long enough to hear My voice.  I speak softly to you, in the depths of your being.  Your mind shuttles back and forth, hither and yon, weaving webs of anxious confusion.  As My thoughts rise up with you, they become entangled in those sticky webs of worry.  Thus, My voice is muffled, and you hear only "white noise."

Ask My Spirit to quiet your mind so that you can think My thoughts.  This ability is an awesome benefit of being My child, patterned after My own image.  Do not be deafened by the noise of the world or that of your own thinking.  Instead, be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Sit quietly in My presence, letting My thoughts reprogram your thinking.

I feel as though I have definitely been on a faith walk with God lately.  I have truly been tested to have faith - blind faith.  It's hard - the unknown - but I know God is in control and has my best interest at heart.

Thursday, June 30, 2011


I have been asking for prayers a lot lately.  I appreciate all the support and love.  I can't really talk about what is going on yet - but hopefully soon.  We got some great news yesterday.  We still need continued prayers.  God is in control.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Are you more like Tigger or Eeyore?

Remember Tigger and Eeyore?  Tigger was positive almost annoying to a point, but poor Eeyore he was just plain sad.  I remember as a child always liking Eeyore and getting annoyed at Tigger.  However, now I admire Tigger.  He looks on the bright side of life and tries to think positively.  We know how Eeyore thinks - poor me.  So I am now more fond of Tigger and trying to be more like him - just hope I don't annoy anyone. 

Monday, June 13, 2011

Prayers Needed

I can't really talk about what I need you to pray for - but I just really need them right now.  God totally knows what needs I have - thanks for the support.

Monday, March 28, 2011


I've been thinking a lot about what it means to be a family.  So many times I hear people say they are a family once they have a child.  I think a lot of people consider that definition of family.  I think I have a family right now.  I looked up the word family in the dictionary.  According to Webster family is defined as a group of individuals living under one roof and usually under one head.  

Friday, March 25, 2011

Juliana and Bill

I know I am a bit obsessed with Juliana and Bill Rancic.  I watch their reality show on The Style Network and I own their book.  I am sure a big reason is that they have been so open with their struggle to have a child.  I appreciate that they are so open about it.  Anyway, this is a link where they are talking about their journey and how it has made them closer.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I Want to be a Sucess Story

I hear all of these wonderful stories of people having a baby after trying for x number of years or after having x number of miscarriages.  This is happening to lots of people I know and friends around me.  I wonder if I will ever be a sucess story?  It just might not be as I imagined......

We are finally open to wherever this journey takes us.  Right now we're on this road but we're not opposed to taking a different route. 

Being patient and waiting on God's pefect timing is sometimes difficult.  Jon is the most amazing and wonderful husband in the world.  I don't think a lot of marriages could survive what we have been through.  I thank God everyday for him.  When I think about my relationship with God and my husband two years ago and now - I can see an amazing change - in a great way.

Sunday, February 20, 2011


I got up early this morning and watched Joel Osteen (only 2nd time I've done this).  It was one of those times where I felt like the message was speaking directly to me.  I've been stuggling with feeling bitterness lately.  The message was about how those in heaven cheer us on.  We are not alone in our stuggles. 

Joseph had terrible things happen to him.  God turned it around for Joseph. Don't give up on the promise God made us.  Job received twice the promise after his troubles.  God turns it around for us.  The part that really hit home for me was a story he shared about a woman that had 7 miscarriages.  She believed in God's promise.  She gave birth to twins.  I think that's a great visual of receiving twice the promise.  I want to plant that seed in my spirit of believing in God's promise. 

To see a summary or to listen to the message see below:

It’s always a great encouragement and comfort to know someone has been in our shoes whenever we face challenging times. Knowing that others have been there, faced that and, with God’s help, victoriously overcame obstacles, gives us that extra boost of confidence; and we’re reminded of God’s great faithfulness.

The Bible is filled with such great men and women of faith who were champions in life. Hebrews 1:12 says, “Since we are surrounded by this great cloud of witnesses, let us run our race.” You are not alone in your race of life. You have all of heaven cheering you on each day, filled with saints of old who know what it means to persevere and live a life of victory.

Let this message encourage you and remind you that you have the greatest support system there is backing you up each day. Nothing that you face in life is new to God or a surprise to Him. He has been giving strength, wisdom, endurance and supernatural power to others who’ve lived before you since the creation of time. When you live life knowing that all of heaven is cheering you on, you’ll go further and accomplish more than you ever thought possible!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


News Channel 3 has a contest for teachers and schools. On WREG News Channel 3 a number will flash on the screen at 6AM, 6:30am, and at 10PM.

The 3rd caller will give the name of their favorite teacher, guidance counselor, assistant principal or principal. WREG gives $300 to that educator! At the conclusion of the contest, WREG will pick 3 schools to win the Grand Prize of $3000 each. Contest ends March 2. This is a great way to get money to the classroom and school – please participate. Right now I'm thinking of the many things I could buy for my students with that money (more leveled reading books to use in groups, math manipulatives, supplies, etc.)  If you have a chance to vote for me I'm at Greenbrook Elementary (Southaven, MS).  Thanks so much - it means a lot!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

We Anticipate The Day

We Anticipate the Day
By:  Mark Brydges

To the precious soul we will someday know
We would have loved to see you grow
Following the weeks and months to the day
When you entered this world without delay
O' what a joyous time this would have been
But our God allowed your life within
To rise in Heaven
To be with him

You have bypassed this life of strife and worry
You have seen God's face in all his glory
How can we be sad as we know his love
Will guide your life in the realm above

Dear precious soul
What a blessing you are
And we will always remember you near or far
A day is coming sooner than we know
When we will be united in Heaven's continuous glow
For our God promises to those He loves
A wonderful reunion with those above
So we celebrate your life and anticipate the day
When we meet face to face in Heaven
And there forever we will stay

I read this and thought it was beautiful so I wanted to share. 

Saturday, January 15, 2011

He Never Lets Go of Me

I was driving home and was listening to KLOVE.  "You Never Let Go" by Matt Redmond was playing.  This is one of my favorite songs.  I have heard the song several times before but, this time hearing those words in the chorus sent tears running down my cheeks.  There have been times during the past couple of years that I have turned away from God but, he has NEVER let go of me.  He has always been with me.  Below is the chorus of the song:

Oh no, You never let go

Through the calm and through the storm

Oh no, You never let go

In every high and every low

Oh no, You never let go

Lord, You never let go of me


“Search me and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and LEAD ME in the way everlasting,” (Psalm 139: 23-24.)