I have been a slacker when it comes to writing things down about Garrison. His baby book only covers his first year, but there is so much more that happens! The last few weeks he has been saying so much. At 19 months, these are things Garrison is saying...
-almost all his abcs (mostly repeats after us)
-bye, bye
-ti ti
-do do
-poo poo
-several numbers (1 -10)
-boo boo
-uh oh
-he can make lots of animal sounds (dog, cat, cow, duck, sheep, horse)
-belly (normally points to mommy's belly)
-knock, knock
-he can point to all his body parts (hair, eyes, mouth, tongue, teeth, ears, arm, belly, back, knee, foot, toes, fingers, hand)
-He tries to repeat almost everything he hears!