I remember over 5 years ago when Jonathan told me he wanted to go back to school and be a lawyer. He had only been teaching a few months and it WAS NOT for him. I loved teaching but he did not. I could see how his eyes lit up when he talked about the possibility of being a lawyer. I told him I would support him 100%.
I knew it would be a hard journey but one we had to be on. It was his dream. So fast forward... he took the LSAT and we moved forward. He started law school August of 2009. He was so excited about his classes and inspired by his professors. Then after his first semester we found out he made really good grades and was ranked #1 in his class. He continued to do great with getting internships with judges, being hired by 2 law firms for summer jobs, working as Managing Editor on Law Review, and receiving multiple academic awards.
He completely soared and it was so clear to me he was doing what he was meant to do. How many of us can truly say that? Not many! It is something I want to teach Garrison as well. Both Jon and I changed career paths and went back to school. I started out in the business field and he in education. It's not always an easy journey but one we had to take. I am so proud of you, Jonathan. I love you so much. You are an inspiration to your family.
Matthew 6:33, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Friday, September 28, 2012
The Friday Five
1. Garrison is "crawling". Even though, he isn't on all fours he is scooting very fast and everywhere! One minute he is in the living room and the next he has "crawled" down the hallway to our bedroom. It is so much fun! My dad helped us "baby proof" some last weekend, but I am finding lots of areas we missed. I need mom advice here - what should I worry about? Jonathan and I give thanks everyday for our miracle baby. We love him so much. Each month is my "favorite" month, so right now 7 months is the best.
2. My favorite season is Fall! We have definitely been enjoying the fall weather and all the outdoor festivals. We went to the Germantown Festival, the Cooper Young Festival, and even the CountryWood Garage Sale(I know). I'm so glad Jon took us - we had such a great time.
3. I started going to a mom's group at Hope Pres. - thanks to my friend Alissa. My particular group is a First-Time Mom's Group for mom's of babies born this year. It is a great time to get together and talk. It has also been a wonderful way to meet some new friends. I look forward to Wednesday mornings.
4. Jon loves his job! I am so thankful. We find out about the bar exam results in mid-October. Please say a prayer about this.
5.I have started working as a sub at a wonderful private school. They have a Parent's Day Out on campus so Garrison can go there while I sub. I have only worked a few days. It is hard to leave him but I know it is good for us both. I am able to go check on him during my breaks. I think this is a good way to ease back into working. I do hope and pray that the perfect job is out there for me. I am defnitely excited about what God has in store for me. I love being with Garrison and I also love teaching. I hope there is a way I can do both.
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Happy Friday from this little guy! |
Friday, July 20, 2012
The Reading Mother
Being a mom is one of the most amazing things I have ever done. However, I do continually worry that I'm not doing everything I need to be doing for Garrison. Maybe it's a teacher thing? I wonder if I am challenging him enough (are we having enough tummy time, practice sitting up time, sign language, you name it). Anyway, one thing we have always done from the time he was literally a couple of days old (see picture below) was read to little Garrison. It is something I am very passionate about - especially after five years of being a teacher. I have to share this poem that I love by Strickland Gillilan. So I am at least doing one thing right... :)
I had a mother who read to me
Sagas of pirates who scoured the sea.
Cutlasses clenched in their yellow teeth;
"Blackbirds" stowed in the hold beneath.
I had a Mother who read me lays
Of ancient and gallant and golden days;
Stories of Marmion and Ivanhoe,
Which every boy has a right to know.
I had a Mother who read me tales
Of Gelert the hound of the hills of Wales,
True to his trust till his tragic death,
Faithfulness lent with his final breath.
I had a Mother who read me the things
That wholesome life to the boy heart brings-
Stories that stir with an upward touch.
Oh, that each mother of boys were such!
You may have tangible wealth untold;
Caskets of jewels and coffers of gold.
Richer than I you can never be --
I had a Mother who read to me.
Strickland Gillilan
I had a mother who read to me
Sagas of pirates who scoured the sea.
Cutlasses clenched in their yellow teeth;
"Blackbirds" stowed in the hold beneath.
I had a Mother who read me lays
Of ancient and gallant and golden days;
Stories of Marmion and Ivanhoe,
Which every boy has a right to know.
I had a Mother who read me tales
Of Gelert the hound of the hills of Wales,
True to his trust till his tragic death,
Faithfulness lent with his final breath.
I had a Mother who read me the things
That wholesome life to the boy heart brings-
Stories that stir with an upward touch.
Oh, that each mother of boys were such!
You may have tangible wealth untold;
Caskets of jewels and coffers of gold.
Richer than I you can never be --
I had a Mother who read to me.
Strickland Gillilan
Friday, June 29, 2012
4-Month Pictures
We had 4-month pictures made and the photographer said he was one of the cutest babies she had ever seen. Of course, I have to agree.
To view go to:
Once on the website go to the “Client Proofs” section and click on the “Babies, Children, and Families” category. You will see his gallery there and the password is:
To view go to:
Once on the website go to the “Client Proofs” section and click on the “Babies, Children, and Families” category. You will see his gallery there and the password is:
Saturday, June 9, 2012
WOW! What a crazy last few months. Life has been great but really busy. Garrison is doing great - he is such an answered prayer and he is so amazing! I have decided not to go back to my teaching job. I just didn't want to make the drive everyday and I didn't want to leave Garrison for that long during the day. I am praying the perfect opportunity opens up for me - maybe part-time - hoping for a private school. Jon takes the Bar Exam the end of July. We are counting the days and we are so ready for it to be over! I love him but he is an overachiever. :( He is studying his tail end off - I know he will do great. I miss him!
Garrison has his 4-month check-up coming up. I hate those shots! Praying everything goes good. It's always fun to see how much he weighs and his "stats". He has always been very "healthy". His head size, height, and weight are almost off the charts. The first few weeks was really hard - he had colic and being new parents we didn't always know if we were doing the right thing. A lot of people and even family gave us lots of advice. We did really well and didn't take it. :) They only meant well I know. I also read about 20 baby books (really at least 20) and we frequented our pediatrician the first few weeks. Those two things helped the most. I also know some amazing moms who I asked lots of questions (you know who you are). So it was very nice at first couple of check-ups to hear how well he was doing.
*My two favorite guys - they are looking in a mirror. :)
Garrison has his 4-month check-up coming up. I hate those shots! Praying everything goes good. It's always fun to see how much he weighs and his "stats". He has always been very "healthy". His head size, height, and weight are almost off the charts. The first few weeks was really hard - he had colic and being new parents we didn't always know if we were doing the right thing. A lot of people and even family gave us lots of advice. We did really well and didn't take it. :) They only meant well I know. I also read about 20 baby books (really at least 20) and we frequented our pediatrician the first few weeks. Those two things helped the most. I also know some amazing moms who I asked lots of questions (you know who you are). So it was very nice at first couple of check-ups to hear how well he was doing.
*My two favorite guys - they are looking in a mirror. :)
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Newborn Pictures
We had newborn pictures taken a few weeks ago. I can't believe my baby is 6 weeks old!
To view them, please go to the client proofs section on the main website at ramblinrosephotography.com and select the “Babies, Children & Family” category. You will see his gallery there and the password is:
His photos will remain online for three weeks!
To view them, please go to the client proofs section on the main website at ramblinrosephotography.com and select the “Babies, Children & Family” category. You will see his gallery there and the password is:
His photos will remain online for three weeks!
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Life forever Changed
Our life has forever changed a little less than 2 weeks ago. I will post more later but I just wanted to post a picture of our precious little boy. My labor was fast and went well. Our little boy is healthy and strong. God has blessed us and we thank him. We have prayed for this little miracle, Garrison York Lindsey, for over 3 years. God had a plan for us and he is perfect. We thank God everyday for him and we pray he continues to grow healthy and strong.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Nursery Pics and Update
Garrison's room is ready. :) We are so excited about meeting him soon.
Our doctor's appointment went well. On a positive note, my doctor said my cervix was "very soft" and she was happy about that. I have also dropped. Still not dilated.... but I am still 50% effaced. Praying to be dilated next week. Right now, our induce date is Feb. 17 - that's 2 days after our due date. That would mean our doctor would be there - which is a huge plus. I would really like for labor to happen on it's own but it's it is completely in God's hands.
Up Next:
39 Week Appointment
Feb. 10 *This will probably be our last appointment before Garrison*
Please continue to keep baby and I in your prayers. We really appreciate them. Please pray that I am dilated some by my next appointment. I know God has a plan for all this. :) Please also pray that baby and I continue to be healthy and strong. When we go into labor, please pray we have a safe and healthy one. :)
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
No "Progress" to Report...
We went to our 37 week check-up last week. Jon and I were both sure that I would be dilated at least a little bit. However, I had made no progress since the last appointment. Honestly, we were a little disappointed. Of course, qw so thankful that everything looked/sounded good with Garrison and mommy. It seems silly to be disappointed. I think we would prefer for Garrison to come on his own and even if we are induced I know it's good to have some "progress". We are still 50% effaced. Anyway, our doctor told us a few things to do to possibly help (walking, spicy foods, etc.). So we will just see this Friday. I can't believe it is 2 weeks until my due date. WE are so thankful for this amazing gift!
Please continue to pray for Garrison and I. Please pray Garrison is healthy and strong. Please also pray that I keep getting good reports at the doctor and keep supporting this pregnancy. Please also pray for when we go into labor. :) Praying I have made some "progress". I know God is in control and he is awesome. Getting very excited
Up Next:
38 Week Appointment, February 3
*We get to schedule our inducement*
Please continue to pray for Garrison and I. Please pray Garrison is healthy and strong. Please also pray that I keep getting good reports at the doctor and keep supporting this pregnancy. Please also pray for when we go into labor. :) Praying I have made some "progress". I know God is in control and he is awesome. Getting very excited
Up Next:
38 Week Appointment, February 3
*We get to schedule our inducement*
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
37 Weeks = Full Term
We have reached a huge milestone today. I am now 37 weeks, which is considered full term. If I went into labor today, the doctors wouldn't stop me. It's very exciting and crazy to think that Jon and I are going to have a baby very soon!
Last week, our appointment went well. I was negative for Group B Strep - which was an answered prayer. I hadn't made a ton of "progress" so I'm hoping this week I make some.
I am feeling pretty good physically except trying to get over a sinus infection. I am defnitely getting "ready" to meet my little boy and have my body back. Now, mentally my head is a little crazy with the fact that I'm about to be a mommy and Jon's going to be a daddy. I am excited but a little nervous. I am hoping to go into labor on my own and not have to be induced. I know God has a perfect plan for all of that.
Up Next:
37-Week Appointment, Friday Jan. 27
Please continue to keep Garrison and I in your prayers. Please pray Garrison continues to be healthy. Please also pray that I get a good check-up. Praying that Garrison and I have a healthy, safe, and fast labor/delivery. (I can't believe it's almost here!)
Last week, our appointment went well. I was negative for Group B Strep - which was an answered prayer. I hadn't made a ton of "progress" so I'm hoping this week I make some.
I am feeling pretty good physically except trying to get over a sinus infection. I am defnitely getting "ready" to meet my little boy and have my body back. Now, mentally my head is a little crazy with the fact that I'm about to be a mommy and Jon's going to be a daddy. I am excited but a little nervous. I am hoping to go into labor on my own and not have to be induced. I know God has a perfect plan for all of that.
Up Next:
37-Week Appointment, Friday Jan. 27
Please continue to keep Garrison and I in your prayers. Please pray Garrison continues to be healthy. Please also pray that I get a good check-up. Praying that Garrison and I have a healthy, safe, and fast labor/delivery. (I can't believe it's almost here!)
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Our appointment went well last week. After a long wait at the doctor we got some great news. We are 50% effaced. The doctor said this was really good progress! We also had an ultrasound and everything looked great. Garrison was in the head down position - hoping he stays that way. We saw his eyes blinking and mouth moving - it was really great! It was a great start to the day since we went to Grandad Seidman's funeral right after that.
Up Next:
36-Week Appointment on Friday, January 20th
*We will find out the results of the GBS test. Praying I don't have it.*
Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers. The support has meant the world to us. Please continue to keep Garrison and Mommy in your prayers. Please pray that we continue to do well. I can't believe I will be "full-term" next week.
Up Next:
36-Week Appointment on Friday, January 20th
*We will find out the results of the GBS test. Praying I don't have it.*
Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers. The support has meant the world to us. Please continue to keep Garrison and Mommy in your prayers. Please pray that we continue to do well. I can't believe I will be "full-term" next week.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Weekly Appointments
WOW! It seems like just yesterday we had our first ultrasound at 6 weeks. We are so thankful to be starting our weekly appointments. That is a huge milestone for us. I started back to school yesterday and I can defnitely tell a difference in my body. O well! I am so thankful to be pregnant that I don't even want to think about complaining about anything. Anxiety still creeps in on occasion and I just try to pray through it. God is in full control and no amount of worry is going to change anything for the better.
Jonathan's Grandad Seidman passed away this week. Jon and his grandfather were extremely close. He loves him dearly and even though he is in a better place it is still hard. We are so thankful that he was able to come to Garrison's baby shower. He knew of the struggles we went through to have a healthy pregnancy and he was able to see me big and pregnant. :) I can't wait to see Jon tell Garrison stories about his Great Grandad Seidman. Prayers are appreciated!
Please continue to pray for Garrison and mommy. Pray that I can work up until I have him. Pray that baby and I continue to get good reports at the doctor. Also, that Garrison continues to grow healthy and strong. We are so thankful.
Up Next:
35 Week Appointment on Jan. 13
Some Ultrasound pictures:
This is our first ultrasound of Garrison. He was 6 weeks and his little heart was beating 134 bpm!
Jonathan's Grandad Seidman passed away this week. Jon and his grandfather were extremely close. He loves him dearly and even though he is in a better place it is still hard. We are so thankful that he was able to come to Garrison's baby shower. He knew of the struggles we went through to have a healthy pregnancy and he was able to see me big and pregnant. :) I can't wait to see Jon tell Garrison stories about his Great Grandad Seidman. Prayers are appreciated!
Please continue to pray for Garrison and mommy. Pray that I can work up until I have him. Pray that baby and I continue to get good reports at the doctor. Also, that Garrison continues to grow healthy and strong. We are so thankful.
Up Next:
35 Week Appointment on Jan. 13
Some Ultrasound pictures:
This is our first ultrasound of Garrison. He was 6 weeks and his little heart was beating 134 bpm!
This is our 4-D ultrasound at 30 weeks. He looks adorable and like Jon. You can see his profile (nose, mouth, chin). He had his feet and hands in his face most of the time. He moved his hands in this one and we got a picture. Love my boy!
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Showered with LOVE
I just got back from my 3rd baby shower. The sweet ladies I work with gave me a lovely shower! I feel so spoiled. My sister-in-law also gave me a "couples" shower a few weeks ago. It was so nice and there was a TON of food. My friend Melissa, my mom and Jennifer gave me my first shower in early December. It was so amazing. I'm so thankful for all my friends, family and co-workers. I know it is a HUGE amount of work to do and I really appreciate it. Thanks so much for celebrating Garrison York. Baby boy has so many adorable and useful things. It means a lot to me!
Sunday, January 1, 2012
The New Year
I can't believe it's 2012! 2011 was a GREAT year. I have so much to be thankful for from 2011!
Here are the big moments of 2011:
I am sure I left some things out. I pray for a great 2012! There are a lot of exciting happenings to look forward to this year. Of course, the big one is having my little boy. I can't believe how close it is to his due date. I am getting more ready and a little nervous everyday. Of course, I don't know everything there is to know but hoping I will be a good mommy. I am so thankful for all the prayers Garrison and I have had during the pregnancy. We appreciate it!
Up next:
34 Week Check-up, January 5
Please pray everything continues to look healthy and strong with Garrison. Also, that mommy keeps supporting him and getting good reports. We are praying that we can make it until full-term before we have him (only 3 more weeks). I think our weekly appointments are starting soon! Praise God.
Here are the big moments of 2011:
- Jon and I completely giving everything to God in prayer. We really tried not to focus so much on getting pregnant and really focused on our relationship. We had a lot of fun in 2011 spending time together and having fun.
- Forming deep friendships with some incredible ladies.
- Jon getting a job with 2 great firms for the summer and getting the Managing Editor position in Law Review.
- Getting my full-time assistant back in 2nd grade.
- Finding out we were pregnant in early June followed by amazing reports. Best moment was seeing our baby's heartbeat and hearing that he was 4 days ahead of schedule. It was a huge blessing! God was in control the whole time.
- Finding out we were having a healthy baby boy!
- Jon getting a job for when he graduates!
I am sure I left some things out. I pray for a great 2012! There are a lot of exciting happenings to look forward to this year. Of course, the big one is having my little boy. I can't believe how close it is to his due date. I am getting more ready and a little nervous everyday. Of course, I don't know everything there is to know but hoping I will be a good mommy. I am so thankful for all the prayers Garrison and I have had during the pregnancy. We appreciate it!
Up next:
34 Week Check-up, January 5
Please pray everything continues to look healthy and strong with Garrison. Also, that mommy keeps supporting him and getting good reports. We are praying that we can make it until full-term before we have him (only 3 more weeks). I think our weekly appointments are starting soon! Praise God.
We finished our Prepared Childbirth Class. The last class was eventful. We were on the elevator taking a tour with the other couples in the class when the elevator stopped. We were basically stuck on the elevator for 30 minutes with 5 other couples in their 3rd trimester. It was pretty exciting. Plus, kind of scary since this is where we are planning to give birth. I definitely don't want to ever get back on that elevator. The class was good and we learned a lot. Some of it was a little more than I wanted to know but I know it is good to have all the information (right?).
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